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Mission, Vision & Goals

2023 Org Chart


To be a Premiere Tertiary Educational Institution

In light of this Vision, IDC aims to:
1. Instill Love for God, country and community;
2. Deliver Quality Education and undertake relevant researches to ensure the growth and sustainability of the institution;
3. Contribute to the attainment of national development goals of economic and social progress.

Compassionate Service

In the pursuit of our Vision and Mission, Iloilo Doctors’ College (IDC) endeavors to:

1. offer programs that meet local, regional, national and global
manpower demands.

2. develop a globally competitive professional who has attained the competencies in his/her chosen field of specialization and can apply knowledge by appraisal, determination of relevant factors, selection of alternate solutions, implementation of planned action, evaluation, research and revision of current systems.

3. achieve the basic General Education training and background to help the professional acquire the essential foundation of his/her development as a mature, well-rounded citizen.

4. cultivate in the students the ability to think critically with a Christian Philosophy and moral training to guide them in making and evaluating decisions and actions.

5. imbibe among God-fearing and Christian students love of God and human values, social and civic consciousness, moral & social responsibility and a strong desire to participate in various outreach projects & services.

6. promote among its studentry, administrators, faculty & employees a deep appreciation of the Filipino cultural patrimony and heritage with focus on the integrity of creation and a concern for its enrichment and sustainable development.